Returns & Exchanges
Returns will be accepted within 30 days of purchase.
My goal is to have want totally satisfied customers and encourage you to contact me with any questions or issues.
In order to be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.
Once a return is approved a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card. The credit will cover the cost of the products and does not include the original cost of shipping.
Please check your credit card account. It may take time before your refund is posted.
If you still have not received your refund please contact me:
Sale items
Only regular priced items may be returned, unfortunately sale items cannot be refunded.
We replace defective or damaged items. If you need to exchange your purchase please contact us via email.
Shipping Returns or Exchanges
Please ship your return as follows:
The Butler's Closet
c/o MCM Enterprises
Attention: Marc Landman
4100 First Avenue
3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Please use a shipping service that includes tracking and insurance.