Protecting Upholstered Furniture from Sun Damage
The Sun is Powerful and Damaging. Ultraviolet Rays Harm Furniture.
The sun's ultra violet rays can harm your skin. It can also ruin your good upholstered furniture. Protecting your upholstered and wooden furniture from sun damage is easy if you use The Butler's Closet FURNITURE SUN & DUST COVERS.
Our friends, Elie and Frank, have owned a number of glamorous homes––in Easthampton and Bridgehampton. Their current home is in Sagaponak.
My friend, Elie, is consistent in her taste and loves big, comfortable hot chili red couches like these:
Chili Red Couches in the Living Room
The living room faces south with tall French doors that open to the deck and pool beyond. This room gets significant sun all year long.
Sunlight in the Hamptons is quite strong as the land is flat farmland and the ocean and other waterways reflect a great amount of bright light. The clean, clear sunlight still attracts many artists to the east end of Long Island but it can quickly damage upholstery and fine wooden furniture if these possessions are not protected.
In addition to the hot red couches, the living room in this exquisite home includes upholstered chairs in a fresh white and red print:
The Living Room Bathed in Bright Sunlight
Here is a picture of the back of this lovely house. You can see the pool which casts additional light into the living room:
The Back Yard and Pool in Bright Sunlight
In order to protect the furniture, Elie uses the Furniture Sun & Dust Covers to cover the upholstery when she closes the house after a weekend preparing to return to New York City. Here is how the house looks before she and Frank pack up and leave for New York:

Living Room "put to bed" using Furniture Sun & Dust Covers
Frank and Elie have been using the covers for close to five years––"putting the house to bed" each weekend just the way Butlers used to cover furniture in stately homes when the family would leave the country and go to London for the season. The living room furniture, in spite of the very strong sunlight, looks as good as new.