How to Care for Your Shoes––Ten Smart Tips

Your Shoes Take a Great Deal of Wear and Tear––Ten Important Tips for Shoe Care

Shoes will last for years if you keep them well cleaned (polished or brushed) and repair the soles and heels regularly. One good rainstorm can damage shoes significantly, so you should try to wear old shoes or rain boots on a day when the weather will be bad.

According to Bernhard Roetzel, a fashion expert and author of GENTLEMEN, A Timeless Guide to Fashion, shoes should not be worn two days in a row:

"Everyone knows how to clean shoes. What is not generally known is that they should never be worn on two successive days. A pair of shoes needs at least a day of rest, and if your lower extremities tend to generate a lot of moisture, you should really leave your shoes to air for a couple of days. Shoes are only comfortable when they have dried out completely."

Ten Important Shoe Care Tips:

1. Buy the best shoes you can afford.  The investment will pay off over the years.

2. Keep shoes clean, brushed and well-polished. There are many superior products for shoe care on the market––specialty shoe polishes, creams, soaps and brushes. Research and build a collection of the right shoe care tools for leather, suede and athletic shoes as each material requires different treatment. Go online and watch how-to videos to learn how to clean and polish your shoes like a professional.

3. Find an excellent shoemaker. Shoe repair is a special talent. Shoemaker training and techniques vary widely and since shoe repair can be costly, you want to be sure you are in the best hands. Be sure to repair or replace heels and soles when needed. While it may cost some to have your shoes repaired, doing so will make them last––perhaps for years.

4. Wear shoes for one dayand then let them rest for 24 hours. This gives your shoes a chance to rest and to have all perspiration or other moisture evaporate completely.

5. Store shoes properly. Shoe storage is important. If shoes are stored on open shoe racks, dust them regularly. Dust particles are sharp and harden with changes in humidity. Dust can affect shoes you have not worn for a while. They may shrink and become unwearable.

You can store shoes in their original boxes, on shoe racks or in a shoe bag. If your bedroom closet has limited space you should only store shoes for the current season. LUXURY FLANNEL SHOE BAGS are excellent for travel as they protect your shoes and the clothing in your suitcase. Maintain the original shape of your shoes by using SHOE SHAPERS at home and while traveling. These lightweight shoe stuffers are lighter than cedar shoe trees for travel.

6. Don’t wear good leather shoes in the rain. Leather is porous and will absorb water. Keep old “rain shoes” to wear on bad weather days. Wear them to the office or any other destination and change into good shoes when you arrive.  Or wear rain boots for protection.

7. If your shoes get wet, stuff them with white paper towels to help keep   their shape while they dry. However, do not put them near heat (such as a radiator or fireplace) as this will cause the leather to dry and crack. Once they are almost dry you can insert our SHOE SHAPERS to wick away excess moisture and help retain their shape.

8. Untie shoes with laces while slipping on to avoid creating pressure  around the lace holes.

9. Use a shoe horn to reduce damage to the heels of your shoes. Try our  handsome ENGLISH SHOEHORN. Each shoe horn is hand-carved in England from 100% biodegradable and sustainably harvested Oxhorn.

10. Clean off salt stains from snowmelt as soon as possible.Salt can leave permanent discoloration and weaken the leather. You can use a solution of vinegar and water (2 parts water to one-part vinegar) and wipe off the shoes lightly. Then dry quickly with a clean lint-free towel.






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